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श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 365

अयोध्या काण्ड (AYODHYA KAAND) – Day 1



जब तें रामु ब्याहि घर आए। नित नव मंगल मोद बधाए।।
भुवन चारिदस भूधर भारी। सुकृत मेघ बरषहि सुख बारी।।
रिधि सिधि संपति नदीं सुहाई। उमगि अवध अंबुधि कहुँ आई।।
मनिगन पुर नर नारि सुजाती। सुचि अमोल सुंदर सब भाँती।।
कहि न जाइ कछु नगर बिभूती। जनु एतनिअ बिरंचि करतूती।।
सब बिधि सब पुर लोग सुखारी। रामचंद मुख चंदु निहारी।।
मुदित मातु सब सखीं सहेली। फलित बिलोकि मनोरथ बेली।।
राम रूपु गुनसीलु सुभाऊ। प्रमुदित होइ देखि सुनि राऊ।।


सब कें उर अभिलाषु अस कहहिं मनाइ महेसु।
आप अछत जुबराज पद रामहि देउ नरेसु।।1।।


From the day Shri Ram returned home duly married, there was new festivity and jubilant music everyday. The fourteen spheres were like huge mountains on which clouds in the shape of meritorious deeds poured showers of joy. The water thus discharged formed into gorgeous rivers of affluence, success and prosperity, that rose in spate and flowed into the ocean of Ayodhya. The men and women of the city were like jewels of a fine quality, bright, priceless and charming in everyway. The splendour of the capital was beyond description; it seemed as if the Creator’s workmanship had been exhausted there. Gazing on the moon-like face of Shri Ramchandra the citizens were all happy in everyway. All the mothers with their companions and maids were delighted to see the creeper of their heartís desire bear fruit. The king was particularly enraptured when he saw or heard of Shri Ram’s beauty, goodness, amiability and genial disposition. (1—4)


All cherished in their heart a common desire and said in their prayer to the great Lord Shiv, “Would that the king in his own life-time appointed Shri Ram as his regent.” (1)

from League of India

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