श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 316
BAAL KAAND – Day 315
सुरन्ह सुमंगल अवसरु जाना। बरषहिं सुमन बजाइ निसाना।।
सिव ब्रह्मादिक बिबुध बरूथा। चढ़े बिमानन्हि नाना जूथा।।
प्रेम पुलक तन हृदयँ उछाहू। चले बिलोकन राम बिआहू।।
देखि जनकपुरु सुर अनुरागे। निज निज लोक सबहिं लघु लागे।।
चितवहिं चकित बिचित्र बिताना। रचना सकल अलौकिक नाना।।
नगर नारि नर रूप निधाना। सुघर सुधरम सुसील सुजाना।।
तिन्हहि देखि सब सुर सुरनारीं। भए नखत जनु बिधु उजिआरीं।।
बिधिहि भयह आचरजु बिसेषी। निज करनी कछु कतहुँ न देखी।।
सिवँ समुझाए देव सब जनि आचरज भुलाहु।
हृदयँ बिचारहु धीर धरि सिय रघुबीर बिआहु।।314।।
The gods perceived that it was a fit occasion for happy rejoicings; hence they rained down flowers and beat their drums. Shiv, Brahma and hosts of other gods mounted aerial cars in several groups. Their frames thrilling over with emotion and their hearts overflowing with joy they proceeded to witness Shri Ram’s wedding. The gods felt so enraptured to see Janak’s capital that their own realms appeared to them as of small account. They gazed with amazement at the wonderful pavilion and all the different works of art which were of a transcendental character. The people of the city, both men and women, were so many mines of beauty, well-formed, pious, amiable and wise. In their presence all the gods and goddesses appeared like stars in a moonlit night. The Creator (Brahma) was astounded above all; for nowhere did he find his own handiwork. (1—4)
Shiv admonished all the gods saying, “Be not lost in wonder; calmly ponder in your heart that it is the wedding of Sita and the Hero of Raghu’s race.” (314)
from League of India https://ift.tt/2X0aPr4
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