श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 277
BAAL KAAND – Day 276
चौपाईतुम्ह तौ कालु हाँक जनु लावा। बार बार मोहि लागि बोलावा।।
सुनत लखन के बचन कठोरा। परसु सुधारि धरेउ कर घोरा।।
अब जनि देइ दोसु मोहि लोगू। कटुबादी बालकु बधजोगू।।
बाल बिलोकि बहुत मैं बाँचा। अब यहु मरनिहार भा साँचा।।
कौसिक कहा छमिअ अपराधू। बाल दोष गुन गनहिं न साधू।।
खर कुठार मैं अकरुन कोही। आगें अपराधी गुरुद्रोही।।
उतर देत छोड़उँ बिनु मारें। केवल कौसिक सील तुम्हारें।।
न त एहि काटि कुठार कठोरें। गुरहि उरिन होतेउँ श्रम थोरें।।
गाधिसूनु कह हृदयँ हँसि मुनिहि हरिअरइ सूझ।
अयमय खाँड न ऊखमय अजहुँ न बूझ अबूझ।।275।।
अयमय खाँड न ऊखमय अजहुँ न बूझ अबूझ।।275।।
“You seem to have Death at your beck and call and summon him again and again for my sake!” Hearing Lakshman’s harsh words Parshuram, closed his hand upon his terrible axe. “After this let no one blame me; this sharp-tongued boy deserves his death. I have spared him long on account of his being a child; he is now surely going to die.” Said Vishwamitra, “Pardon his offence; holy men take no notice of the merits and demerits of a child.” “Sharp-edged is my axe, while I am pitiless and furious; and here stands before me an offender and an enemy of my Guru. Even though he gives a retort, I spare his life solely out of regard for you, O Vishwamitra. Or else, hacking him to pieces with this cruel axe, I would have easily repaid the debt I have owed to my Guru.” (1—4)
Said Gadhi’s son (Vishwamitra) smiling within himself, “Everything looks green to the sage (Parshuram); it is, however, the steel sword that he is faced with and not with sugar extracted from a sugar-cane (that one could easily gulp). It is a pity that he does not understand and still persists in his ignorance.” (275)
from League of India https://ift.tt/2SG4LkY
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